This particular true ghost story has haunted me most of my
life--ever since my dad related it to me years ago, when I was a young
boy. Honestly, I've been hanging on to this one, holding back a bit in a
desire to do the story justice. This one is a legend in my family and
happened to my dad and his older brother, Dale. I've decided to break
the story into two parts, beginning with my Uncle Dale's experience.
year was around 1965-66 in the small mining town of Coleraine in
northern Minnesota, where my dad and his brothers grew up. At this point
in time, my dad, Ken, was at or around eighteen years old, and
preparing to head out to Idaho for college. As the youngest of four
boys, he would be the last one to leave the nest, and was living in the
house alone with his mom at the time--his father having passed away recently.
this particular night, Ken and his mother had gone to visit a relative
in a neighboring town and decided to spend the night there. Ken's older
brother, Dale, had decided to come home for the weekend and arrived to
find the old family home in Coleraine to be empty. This was nothing
strange or out of the ordinary, and he figured he would be sleeping
alone in the house that night. He was wrong.
up as kids in the older house, the four boys all shared a bedroom in
the attic and all of their beds were still up there. To access the attic
bedroom, one opened a door at the bottom of a long flight of stairs. At
the top of the stairs was a window and then a right turn which would
take one directly into the bedroom with steeply sloping eaves for walls.
climbed into the old bed of his childhood that night and nestled into
the blankets, allowing the weariness of the day to carry him off into
slumber. As his mind drifted and sleep began to take hold, he was
shocked back into full lucidity by the unmistakable sound of the door at
the bottom of the stairs creaking open on its hinges.
the darkness he lay there, straining his ears for any other sound. Had
he just imagined it? Had a strange draft of wind been generated
somewhere in the old house and caused the door to swing ever so
After a time, he concluded that it
must have been nothing. Just as he was getting ready to dismiss the
entire thing, he was jolted again by another unexpected noise: the loud
creaking of a stair. This was not his imagination! The fear level
jumped inside him as he again, found himself straining his auditory
senses to their maximum potential trying to determine what could
possibly be the source of the noise. He listened for the sound of
breathing or the dry whisper of clothing scraping on a wall. Anything.

a time it got to the point where Dale knew that this visitor--whoever
it was--must be close to the top of the stairs. In horror he fixed his
eyes on the window just outside the bedroom door. The yellow glow of a
streetlight shinning through it, weakly illuminated the entryway.
heart pounding like a drum he watched in utter disbelief as the black,
featureless form of a man was revealed, momentarily, when the figure
glided past the window and into the bedroom.
this final revelation was just too much for poor Dale's nervous system
and his mind decided to check completely out of the situation. Dale
fainted from fear. When he came to, he had no idea how long he had been
unconscious. His unwelcome night visitor was gone.
never was able to explain away the events of that night. There were no
signs of a forced entry into the house and nothing had been stolen. When
the figure had revealed itself for that brief moment in the streetlight
shining through the window, Dale had not been able to discern any
features that would have made the being identifiable in any way.
To this day that night remains a mystery in my family.
the story doesn't end there! It wasn't long after that my dad had
his own frightening encounter in that same bedroom! Be sure to check
back to hear the second part of the story. Or, follow my Facebook page
so you know when part two is out.
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Wow. I don't think I've ever heard this story. Hopefully the old man isn't too old to recall it as you've described it.